If you are experiencing difficulties logging into your Aktiia account, here are some common issues and solutions:
Attempting to Register Instead of Logging In: If you’re trying to log in but accidentally select "I Have an Aktiia bracelet" or "I want to use my smartphone camera," the app will guide you to register a new account. Be sure to select "Log In" rather than creating a new account if you already have one.
Incorrect Login Credentials: Double-check your email and password. If you forgot your password, click on "Forgot Password" in the app’s login screen and follow the instructions to reset it. If you don’t see the reset email, check your spam or junk folder.
Using Website Account Details in the App: You might be trying to log into the Aktiia app using the credentials created on the Aktiia website when you processed your order. Please note that the Aktiia app and the Aktiia website have separate accounts, so the app will not recognize your website credentials. If you attempt to use website details in the app, you will see the message, "Error, your email or password is incorrect; please check and try again."
Account Lock: If your account is locked after multiple failed attempts, wait a few minutes before retrying. Contact