Aktiia Support
Aktiia FAQ
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Articles in this section
My charger does not light up red, when I put the bracelet on the charger; what should I do?
How many days does the battery last on a single charge? What is the battery life of the Aktiia bracelet?
Why can I not log into my Aktiia account?
Why do I have a disclaimer saying that my data might not be accurate?
I cannot pair my bracelet to my phone; what can I do?
I cannot pair my cuff to my phone; what can I do?
I cannot pair my bracelet to my phone; what can I do?
How do I know that my bracelet is fully charged?
Why did I not receive an email to reset my password after the message “We sent you an email to reset your password, please check your inbox and click on the link to reset it"?
How long does it take, until the AKTIIA bracelet is fully charged?
I did not receive a verification email to confirm my email; what should I do?
I get a connection error on my app. I cannot connect my Aktiia bracelet; What can I do?
My verification link has expired; what should I do?
During pairing, I got the message that my bracelet is already paired to another account; what should I do?
The bracelet strap is too small / too large. Can I buy a strap in a different size?
The initialization cuff is too small/large; can I buy it in a different size?
The cuff does not inflate. What can I do?
Why did my initialization complete with a warning that “a slight change in parameters was noticed”?
Why did my initialization not complete with the message that “a meaningful change in parameters was noticed”?
Why did my initialization not complete with the message that “my blood pressure is varying too much”?
My bracelet does not take measurements anymore
The bracelet is blinking fast Red when on the charger and does not pair
Is it possible that the bracelet took a measurement, while I was not wearing it?
How do I change the language of my Newsletter?
What should I do if my Bracelet gets wet?
Can I charge the Aktiia Bracelet while it is wet?
I had a skin rash on my wrist where I usually wear the bracelet; what should I do?
I have gaps in my daily measurements / How can I get more readings?
The initialization cuff is too small/large; can I buy it in a different size?
Currently, we only offer one size of cuff for an arm circumference between 22 and 42 cm.